Recent and Upcoming Podcasts
Christmas Abbott
May 21, 2020
Christmas Abbott and I will discuss her book, “The Badass Life,” and her new Rebel Fit online program that I have been doing and it’s rad! Christmas is a top CrossFit athlete and personal trainer who is passionate about helping you become your best self through nutrition, exercise, and mindset.
Audio Link:
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Seane Corn
March 5, 2020
Internationally known yoga teacher, social activist, recipient of the Smithsonian Institute Humanitarian Award, public speaker, and author of “Revolution of the Soul: Awaken to Love Through Raw Truth, Radical Healing, and Conscious Action.”
Audio Link:
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Ora Nadrich
February 27, 2020
Life Coach, Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, Blogger, Author, President and Founder of the Institute for Transformational Thinking. She’s featured: ABC/NBC News, Fast Company, SUCCESS, Zip Recruiter, Reader’s Digest and others.
Audio Link:
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